가추법과 디자인 씽킹 - 창의적 발상의 이론과 실제

논문지 제38집 조회수 2182
저자 강미정, 이수진
논문보기 01_강미정-이수진(7-35).pdf (826.3KB) (2,192)

Abduction and Design Thinking

- Theory and Practice of Creative Ideation -


Kang, Mi-jung / Lee, Su-jin


This paper aims to provide an proper explanation of what the mechanism of design thinking and creative idea generation is. On the basis of Charles S. Peirce’s abduction, a lot of theorists who are searching for it argue that reasoning with insight, intuition, and synthesis is the way of creative thinking. I agree with them that abduction is the logic of design thinking, but don’t think that the all the theorists make appropriate approaches to abduction. From the beginning Peirce divided inferences to three types: deduction, induction, hypothesis. In his paper written in 1878, Peirce presented these three different inferences in syllogistic form. Hypothesis renamed as abduction in 1901 was the categorical syllogism in which the conclusion is minor premise. Peirce, at first, considered induction and hypothesis as ampliative reasoning, while deduction as explicative reasoning. However, he realizes after 1900 that the only ampliative thinking is abduction which bring one brand new ideas. In short, abduction is the stage of inquiry where one adapt a hypothesis that provides an explanation or a new theory for the surprising facts. The designer of Frog, Jon Kolko who accepted Peirce’s abduction as the theoretical base for his design thinking emphasizes ‘design synthesis’ as critical in the process of new design. He proposes three steps of design synthesis as reframing, concept mapping, insight combination. Based on abductive reasoning and design synthesis, a lot of designers, CEOs and administrators, introduce practicing models of design thinking for their own institutions such as IDEO, Hass-Plattner Institute, British Design Council, etc.