에코, 스칼비니, 젱크스의 비교를 통한 건축기호모델 연구

논문지 제38집 조회수 2308
저자 황영삼
논문보기 11_황영삼(301-329).pdf (738.1KB) (496)

Study of Semiotic Architectural Model by Comparision of Eco, Scalvini and Jencks


Hwang, Young-sam


This research is a preliminary study to develop a semiotic architectural model. In this resech, comparison between Eco, Scalvini and Jencks, leading architectural semioticians, has be conducted with the purpose of suggesting research directions towards a semiotic model for architectural design. The MST theory advocated by Sebeok and Danesi is employed as the basis of logical argument. Comparison of the models by the three semioticians has resulted as follows. The dichotomy of denotation and connotation is commonly adopted by the three models, but they differ in most comparisons checkpoints from unit modeling to relationship modeling, resulting in differing model structures. Briefly, Eco's is a morphological model, Scalvini's is a literary model, and Jencks's is a criticism model. Several research directions have been suggested. First, different formal model constituents need to be identified which are to be organized into a relationship network. The MST theory will be helpful for this purpose, with its ways of categorizing model constituents and for relationship networking. It suggests two main categories of model elements: singularized, composite, cohesive, connective models; and primary, secondary and tertiary models. Sign features go level up through these hierarchies. Secondarily, a way of model structuring has been suggested. Model can be structured by three layers: paradigm-syntagma layer, denotationconnotation layer, and rhetoric layer, for the purpose of manipulating both physical and abstract features of architecture.