1919년은 어떻게 기억되는가 Ⅱ - 3.1운동 100주년 기념식과 대한민국임시정부 수립 100주년 기념식의 수행을 중심으로

논문지 조회수 1195
저자 태지호
논문보기 05.태지호.pdf (1.2MB) (113)
How is 1919 Remembered II: Focusing on the 100th Commemoration of the March 1st Independence Movement and the 100th Commemoration of the establishment of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea (Tae, Ji-Ho)

Keywords : Commemoration, Commemoration Broadcasting, Media Event, Cultural Memory, Memory Representation, March 1st Movement, Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea